Wow. I think that is pretty much all you can say when passing by this house. There is always that one crazy neighbor that decides to tackle the task of hanging an abundant amount of Christmas Lights and this year, the deserving award goes to my parent's neighbor. I really had to share it with everyone because it is so crazy to me! There doesn't seem to be any pattern or order to these lights at all...I simply vision a little Christmas elf standing in front of the house, waving a wand and saying poof and lights just fall all over the place.
You know what though? I LOVE it. I feel no matter how old or young you are, you enjoy looking at the lights and with my parents having simple and classy little candlelights in each window, the neighbor's house is definitely a sight to see. Not only do these sweet people have a lot of visitors driving by but they also are collecting donations to give to charity. Now that is the Christmas spirt and the grinch most definitely does NOT live here!

As Christmas is sneaking up on me, the cold weather finally is too! North Carolina has been so warm this year it is insane and Ollie hasn't had the opportunity to wear his fancy jacket that his babysitter gave him. He will probably tear the thing off but it is so worth sharing. He was such a stiff little model because I don't think he knew what to do with the thing on. Enjoy!
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